Policy DBAD Policy Exhibit 1

Policy DBAD- Sabbatical Leave-Exhibit 1 (PDF)

Issue Date: November 18, 2009


Juab School District

Application for Sabbatical Leave

I, ______________________________, respectfully request the Board of Education to grant me leave of absence for the _____________________ school year.  This leave is requested for the following reason(s):                                                     



A complete plan is attached.

If the above leave of absence is granted, I hereby agree to return to the Juab School District for a period of at least two years.  In the event circumstances prevent my returning to the District, I agree to repay to Juab School District the full amount expended by the District on my behalf during the leave of absence.

Further, it is understood that the Board of Education gives assurance to me that I will return to the same position under the same conditions that prevail at the time the leave of absence is granted or to another position by mutual agreement.  Credit, as approved by the Board of Education, will be given toward increment step (s) on the salary schedule of the Juab School District.

_______________________________                      _________________________________

Date of Request                                                          Signature of Employee

APPROVED:  Leave granted for the period of ____________________ beginning _______________ and ending _____________________________________________, 20____

____________________________________            ___________________________________

Superintendent of Schools                                          President of the Board of Education


Date of Approval